Patrons · Sponsors
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Gefördert durch: Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur, Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten
Universitäts- und Hansestadt Greifswald
Jubiläumsbüro - 250 Jahre Caspar David Friedrich
Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung
Rotary Club Greifswald - Caspar David Friedrich
Kulturpartner: NDR Kultur
We are grateful to our sponsors and members for their continued support and to all who made and are making donations.
Donations for the Caspar David Friedrich Society, which is a registered company, may be made to the following account:
IBAN: DE54 1508 0000 4270 0037 00; BIC: DRESDEFF150
Reference: Donation
Donations to the Caspar David Friedrich Centre should be made to the Caspar David Friedrich Society’s account at the Vorpommern Sparkasse
IBAN: DE92 1505 0500 0232 0113 62; BIC: NOLADE21GRW
Reference: Caspar David Friedrich Centre
The Society is authorized to issue charitable donation certificates.